Hornig BMW R 1300 GS
BMW R 1300 GS powered by HORNIG
BMW R 1300 GS: We were at the company Motorradzubehör Hornig GmbH in Cham and took a look at their upgrade to the BMW R1300 GS. In this video, Tobias Hornig shows us which parts you can use to refine your R1300GS. We will also show you other Hornig show bikes, take a tour of Hornig's sales and storage rooms and, of course, take the Hornig R1300GS for a spin through the Bavarian Forest.
Address of Hornig: Motorradzubehör Hornig GmbH / Gewerbepark Chammünster Nord C 5 / 93413 Cham / Web: https://www.mhornig.de
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