
Information according to Section 5 TMG:

PortalHaus Internetservices GmbH
Amselweg 2 - 25348 Glückstadt
Tel: +49 (0)171 439 2861
E-Mail: info(at)
Managing Directors: Dietmar Struckmeyer and Jens Hagel
AG Pinneberg HRB 13707 PI
Tax number: 47/751/00708
VAT ID: DE258832392

Information in accordance with Section 55 (2) RStV:
V.i.S.d.C. 55 para. 2 RStV: Dietmar Struckmeyer

The content provided on our website is for your information only. Claims from recommendation or advice cannot be derived from the provision. Despite the utmost care, PortalHaus Internetservices GmbH (hereinafter "PortalHaus") cannot accept any liability for the topicality and correctness of the contents at all times. Completeness cannot be guaranteed at all times. All product names, product names and logos mentioned on this website are registered trademarks and property of their respective owners. Insofar as links are placed from this website to other websites, it is pointed out that there is no influence on the design and content of the linked pages and PortalHaus does not adopt their content as its own. This applies to all external links provided on this page and to all content of the pages to which advertising materials (e..B. banners, text ads, video ads) lead. The following applies to these pages that illegal contents were not recognizable at the time of linking. The links are regularly checked for illegal content and removed immediately in the event of infringements.

The content, compilation, structure and presentation of this website are protected by copyright. The MGBR expressly agrees to the reproduction and distribution of the information and image materials contained in the "Press" section. Furthermore, the duplication and distribution of information or data (text, image, graphics, sound, video or animation files) is prohibited without the prior written consent of PortalHaus. This also applies to the partial reproduction and distribution.

Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 sec. 1 ODR-VO
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (ODR) platform that you can find unter